I'm a three-time JUNO Award nominated artist and I've been working as a part-time music instructor with the Academy since 2009. They're very professional and have a wonderful roster of music educators for all levels of students. Highly recommend booking all lessons through them.
- Kurt
I want to take this opportunity to tell you how impressed I have been with the Academy and how much I am enjoying being a part of this great company. It's truly a thrill for me to be working with such a vast array of students and wonderful/helpful staff!
-Carol (Montreal Academy of Music)
I wanted to take a moment to say how deeply touched I was to received the Award at the 20th Anniversary celebration of the School. I still cant believe how fast time has gone by! I truly am very proud to be part of your school and really enjoy teaching the students that I have with the Academy. I also wanted to say a big thank you to all of your team who make everything run so smoothly!!!
-Caroline (Montreal Academy of Music)
I wanted to thank you for referring many good students to me; you really take the hassle out of teaching. I prefer it this way. Any time I get asked by students to give them lessons privately, I always refer them back to you to re-register before taking them on for another session. I used to have so many problems charging students and chasing after money. This way, I can just teach and the rest is off my shoulders, so THANK YOU!
-Sean-Paul (Montreal Academy of Music)
"The Canada Music Academy is an excellent school to be a part of. They are exceptionally flexible in their dealings with their teachers and they are always willing to make our lives as easy as possible. The attendance and payment instructions are simple and easy to follow, and all payment details are handled by a professional and capable staff. I particularly appreciated how I was not forced to follow a certain curricula, but that I could tailor the lessons to suit the needs and learning style of each individual student. Indeed, this is possibly the most attractive attribute of the Canada Music Academy: Invested and capable teachers who can meet the individual needs of students.
While some schools take a lot of tuition from students, the Canada Music Academy only charges a small administrative fee which leaves most of the money where it belongs, in the pocket of the teacher. We also have the option of teaching from home or doing in home lessons, and the staff at the academy are always respectful or our professional lives, never trying to induce us into making more of a professional commitment than is tenable. I highly recommend the Canada Music Academy for any music instructors who wish to have the business details taken care of or who wish to be endorsed by a respected business. For me personally, having such a relationship is invaluable."
- Mr Paul Emil BMUS, MMUS.
"My experience with the Canada Music Academy has been an extremely positive one. In the 4 years that I have worked for the Canada Music Academy, I have found them to be extremely supportive, professional, and communicative. It is an extremely well organized organization that has provided me with a sizeable roster of students, many with whom I have worked for several years now. It is wonderful that the Academy takes care of the administrative details, allowing teachers to spend more time in the teaching studio, rather than at the computer desk. I have also found them to be extremely understanding and supportive of my performing career, allowing me the flexibility I need to pursue performing engagements as well as a teaching career." - Allison

I’ve been teaching with the Canada Music Academy for 3 years and am fortunate to have kept many of my original students. I’ve really enjoyed my time with the studio, and am especially appreciative of the fantastic students they have sent my way, as Toronto is probably the most difficult city in Canada to build a roster. The Academy trusts me to build a relationship and provide a relevant curriculum for my students, but they are always there to address any concerns I may have. Ayesha is great to work with. It’s been a positive experience and I’ve grown a lot as a teacher."

Working with the Academy is very satisfying and enjoyable because you have a team that is very respectful to all of our needs. It gives us the opportunity of knowing students from different cultures and sharing with them the love of music. To be a part of the Academy and not just a private teacher is an honour and we as teachers should try our best to keep the Academy's profile in a positive position. It is in our hands to always attract returning students to the Academy by putting forth our best efforts as Teachers. Teaching comes from the heart and it isn't to criticize but to correct, as well as exercising patience while the student makes mistakes and tries over and over again to get it right. The parents should feel comfortable with you because they can see that you care about the student by being kind, patient, punctual and organized, not just as a way to earn money. The Academy's main concern is to share the love of music with all and as a team member you should be proud of it. I am!" -Houry (Montreal Academy of Music)
Hello Samia, Ayesha, Katy, Wendy, and Rania,
I would just like to send my gratitude to you for organizing today's gathering. It's hard to believe that it's my first time actually meeting the staff, despite the fact that we've been working together for quite some time. I really hope that I can attend more gatherings like this in the future, as I, ironically, rarely have the opportunity to surround myself with professional musicians/educators. Thank you again :)
-Bobby (Canada Music ACademy)