In-Person & Online Music
 Lessons In-Person & Online Music
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Getting started is easy!

Easy online registration

You can register online in minutes or simply give us a call, and we can help you get started. Sessions range from 8 to 32 lessons and start any month for flexibility.

Music lessons for all ages and levels

We offer music lessons for every student - from beginning to advanced in person and online with our certified, hand selected music teachers.

Convenient lesson times

Our hand-selected, certified teachers update their schedules regularly, so you can see their current availability in our search. Simply click on the "Bio & Availability" button for any teacher. Once you confirm your registration, you’ll receive an email with all the information you need to connect with your teacher to organize the lesson time that works for you.

Choose the location that suits you

You have the flexibility to select your preferred lesson location from a range of options: your home, certified teacher studios across Canada, select school sites, or online. Simply choose the option that suits you best.

  • Student Rates
    Scheduling Questions

    Scheduling: Frequently Asked Questions

  • College & University Preparation
    100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

  • College & University Preparation
    Certified Academy Music Teachers

About Us

The Canada Music Academy offers lessons at our school, as well as offering you a network of professional teachers hired by the Academy with flexibility to take lessons anywhere.

As a result we are proud to have earned a reputation as one of the leading music schools in Canada. Our performance and review standards have earned us loyal students in the thousands since 1995 across Canada.

Certified Academy Teachers are professional musicians holding Bachelor, Master or Doctorate degrees in music or their equivalents. In addition to meeting our high professional standards, Certified Academy Teachers must also undergo a full, selective interview process.

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